June Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Dan Berger, Tristan Fanning, Aurelio Gonzalez, Jim Hall, Zak Herner, Matt King, Ken Littel, Clint McDonald, Frank Molinaro, Jason Pickering, Edward Salse, Dan Stiver, Derek Stiver, Ben Strong, Zach Swedo, Dave Thome, Leah Vaid, Jim Williams, Mike Zemke


  • Officer nominations close on Friday Jun 21. Nominees will be notified over the weekend so they can accept or decline.
  • NUBS has been invited to join the CHAOS Brew-BQ on Saturday Aug. 24 from 2-7 PM. This all-homebrew festival has outgrown the CHAOS clubhouse and will be like a block party this year. They need to know by the end of July whether we want to participate: if you are interested, please let Matt know.
  • Beer of the Quarter, Q2 2024, category 10: German wheat beers. We had a four-way tie!
    • Zach Swedo
    • Jim Hall
    • Ken Littel
    • Dave Thome