- Transfer of responsibilities
- August 1st is the official transfer between boards
- Bank account
- Just need minutes and form
- Don will confirm
- No liabilities forseen
- Insurance due in late August
- Agreed to just send the check
- Sheldon will write and send the check to insurance before transfer
- Insurance due in late August
- Just need minutes and form
- Square and login
- Zach and Sheldon will sit together
- Sheldon will transfer Square and checkbooks to Zach
- Membership and roster
- Transfer at July meeting
- Membership
- Dues due August 1st
- Online payments ready
- Multiple membership types
- Dan will follow up with Andy on the AHA
- Tax ID is needed
- Old Notes
- Liabilities
- Membership
- What is our anticipated membership loss?
- Taxes
- What is obligation to report?
- 5k? 7k?
- What is obligation to report?
- Membership
- Matt’s Birthday
- July 20th
- Placed on the meeting agenda for July
- Beer of the Quarter,
- August meeting – Kolsh
- Recipe posting
- Make your own or brew a club recipe that will be posted
- Matt will post a link to the recipe
- Intended to be simple and fun
- Score sheets
- Sticking with a web form
- Post mortem reference
- Standard way to capture method
- Sticking with a web form
- Recipe posting
- Recognition for best beer of the quarter
- Fun trophy
- Traveling trophy
- Small trophies
- Keep forever
- Tasting rack
- Useable or just for fun?
- No t-shirts
- Plaque in the back room?
- Zach will check with Andy and get quotes
- People list their top three
- Recorded via tablet or tickets in coffee cans
- Voting is a good thing
- Poker chips for voting
- Fun trophy
- Next two quarter beers
- October
- Oktoberfest
- January/February
- Based on Kings and Convicts
- October
- August meeting – Kolsh
- Club moving forward
- Theme
- Fewer bigger better
- Theme
- July Meeting agenda
- New board for July meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Sheldon and Zach are meeting 30 minutes before the meeting
- Meeting topics
- Barrels
- We need to fill them or find a place for them
- Agree to fill it or sell it
- Club agreed to keep two
- Referendum to club: fill or not
- If not, sell them
- If yes, what to fill it with?
- Brett IPA
- Referendum to club: fill or not
- Overview of Kolsch style?
- Do a Kolsch review in August
- Short and sweet
- Reminder in July
- Do a Kolsch review in August
- Kings and Convicts
- Open for Homebrew competition
- Open to other clubs
- Proceeds go to charity
- NUBS event but Kings and Convicts picks the style or a couple of styles
- Bring to a vote at the next meeting
- Do we or do we not partner with Kings and Convicts to do Homebrew competition
- Charity or just NUBS
- Do we or do we not partner with Kings and Convicts to do Homebrew competition
- Publicity for the club
- Bring to a vote at the next meeting
- Open for Homebrew competition
- Getting out and do something as a club
- This is what we would like to do for the September
- Plenty of breweries to visit in Lake County
- In lieu or addition of a meeting
- Creates relationship with other entities
- Separate event
- Mikerphone
- Contact them to set up private tour
- This is what we would like to do for the September
- Any additional topics?
- Mission statement/vision
- Break out sessions with board members
- Welcome committee
- Barrels
- New board roles and responsibilities
- To be discussed at first new board meeting