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- Mundelein Craft Beer Fest
- June 10th
- Our own table or with Perfect Brewing
- 4 of the 5 board members can’t make it potentially
- 2 beers to pour is better than nothing
- Matt King will bring a tablet for people to sign up to our mailing list directly
- Maybe add brew with a member
- Need 4 members to run the booth
- Three beers hopefully
- Action Items:
- Don covers Tighthead
- Matt and Trevor cover volunteers
- Trevor will pick up fest supplies at Perfect
- Elections
- New blood needed
- Sign up sheet online
- Agendas
- Send agenda a week before and the week of.
- Barrels
- What to do with the barrels?
- 220 gallons that we need to fill
- Memberships
- Bleeding memberships
- Brew of the Quarter
- Four beers
- Wasn’t executed
- Pizza DeVille
- Saturday pop up
- Potential event in August