May 2017 Board Meeting

  1. Mundelein Craft Beer Fest
    1. June 10th
    2. Our own table or with Perfect Brewing
    3. 4 of the 5 board members can’t make it potentially
    4. 2 beers to pour is better than nothing
    5. Matt King will bring a tablet for people to sign up to our mailing list directly
      1. Maybe add brew with a member
    6. Need 4 members to run the booth
      1. Three beers hopefully
    7. Action Items:
      1. Don covers Tighthead
      2. Matt and Trevor cover volunteers
      3. Trevor will pick up fest supplies at Perfect
  2. Elections
    1. New blood needed
    2. Sign up sheet online
  3. Agendas
    1. Send agenda a week before and the week of.
  4. Barrels
    1. What to do with the barrels?
    2. 220 gallons that we need to fill
  5. Memberships
    1. Bleeding memberships
  6. Brew of the Quarter
    1. Four beers
    2. Wasn’t executed
  7. Pizza DeVille
    1. Saturday pop up
    2. Potential event in August