October 2023 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Dan Berger, Andy Denton, Ben Fenton, Jim Hall, Zak Herner, Aaron Hexamer, Kevin Kamins, Scott Kamins, Matt King, Kenneth Littel, Frank Molinaro, Mark Procter, Craig Ranshaw, Edward Salse, Chris Slawinski, Ben Strong, Zach Swedo, Elias Theodosis, Dave Thome, Leah Vaid


  1. The Tonality soft opening is currently scheduled for the evening of 25 Oct 2023, but this may change, depending on their status. We’re limited to 15 attendees, with one slot still open as of 19 Oct.
  2. Learn to Homebrew Day is on 04 Nov 2023 at Perfect
    • Please RSVP on the NUBS website, especially if you’re planning to brew
    • Craig is bringing The Big System, and will be brewing up two batches, a Wee Heavy and a Porter
      • The Wee Heavy will go first, with setup for this brew starting at 08:00
      • There are three slots available for NUBS to buy in to these big batches, with yeast TBD and cost being dependent on the price of ingredients
      • If you’re interested, reach out to Craig directly (or to Matt if you don’t have Craig’s contact info)
  3. Beer of the Quarter is next month, with BJCP Category 26, Monastic Ales (Belgian Singles, Dubbels, Tripels, and Quads)
  4. The Highwood pub crawl has been postponed due to low response. It is tentatively rescheduled to December
  5. NUBS won the Club Cup at last month’s home brew festival
    • Aurelio won second place in the popular vote
    • The festival had about 75-80 attendees, and would likely have had more if not for Finn’s front door being closed
  6. For anyone interested in cider-making: the Chicago Home Brewers Group is hosting a cider buy
    • This is a blend of eight apple juices from Michigan for use in making hard cider
    • You can buy five-gallon increments at $8/gal