November 2023 Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Andrew Bassett, Dan Berger, Tristan Fanning, Ben Fenton, Jim Hall, Zak Herner, Kevin Kamins, Scott Kamins, Dan ‘Karl Malone’, Jon Leininger, Ken Littel, Mark Procter, Adam Rootberg, Edward Salse, Ben Strong, Mike Summers, Zach Swedo, Dave Thome, Leah Vaid, Jim Williams, Andy Wyshnytzky


  1. The Wort Rally will be on Saturday January 27th at Buffalo Creek Brewing in Long Grove
  2. The Holiday Party is coming up in January, date and location TBD.
  3. The Highwood pub crawl is rescheduled to a date TBD. If you’re interested, sign up on the NUBS site.
    • Tentative date is 02 or 03 Dec: stay posted for updates
    • Andy talked to the owners of 28 Mile Distillery, and we may be able to get a tour of the facility
  4. Josh at Black Lung wants to invite us to tour the Round Lake location
  5. With Metropolitan Brewing closing, we have a potential club outing to visit them before they close their doors.
    • The Beer Temple is just a few blocks away, and would be a good second stop

BOTQ Category 26, Monastic Beers: Congrats to Jim Hall for winning with his Tripel!