Attendees: Ed Aiello, Dan Berger, Andy Denton, Tristan Fanning, Jim Hall, Zak Herner, Kevin Kamins, Scott Kamins, Matt King, Jordan Levy, Ken Littel, Adam Moran, Clint McDonald, Kevin O’Brian, Jason Pickering, Mark Procter, Craig Ranshaw, Edward Salse, Derek Stiver, Ben Strong, Dave Thome, Leah Vaid, Jim Williams
- This weekend is the spent grain event. Drop off your spent grain from a 19 or 20 April brew at Perfect on Saturday, 20 April, and the Libertyville Garden Club will compost it. Brew at the shop on Saturday and you get a discount on your grain!
- Big Brew is coming up on Saturday, 04 May. This being Star Wars Day, the theme of Big Brew will be Clone Wars.
- As in previous years, we will be gathering at Perfect for a group brew and hang out. If you are planning to brew on-site, be sure to coordinate with Andy for water and power needs.
- Feel free to bring food, preferably nothing that needs to be kept hot.
- There will be a bottle share too, so bring your finest beer.
- Please park at the derelict Mexican restaurant half a block west of Perfect.
- Our water testing meeting has been postponed, with its new date TBD, hopefully May or June. There was a request to follow this up with overviews of popular water chemistry applications (Brewfather, Bru’n Water, Beersmith, etc.).
- Mundelein Craft Beer Festival is coming up on Saturday, 08 June.
- There will be accommodations for a significant homebrewing presence: 20×60′ tent, 10 tables, with two people per table.
- There will be a competition for the best-dressed booth.
- This year the festival will be at a new location just south of Tonality Brewing.