BJCP guidelines say the Experimental Style means the beer cannot fit neatly into another BJCP category – but we say whatever. Bring out the beers and explain how it’s experimental.
Beer of the Quarter suggestions for 2025
Bitters: English Ales
Saison / Farmhouse
German / Lagers
Concerns about lager capabilities dismissed as “lazy lager” or “hot lager” option could be interesting side-by-side comparison.
Board will pick final category and finalize 2025 Schedule.
Treasurer Report:
We have about $2K in club funds
Board working to update bank/account access
Board open to suggestions on how to spend club funds
Jim and Leah will be leading effort to organize events and educational opportunities with club funds
A reminder, the website has a suggestion box for any feedback/ideas if unable to speak up in person
A proposal, to allow one to two members to attend and sit in on board meetings; contact Dan if interested
A note, the Board will be organizing fundraising opportunities in the coming year and will take suggestions. We’ll likely do another raffle/auction for the Holiday Party.
There will not be another homebrew competition/festival at Mickey Finns this year.
Perfect Brewing Supply is going to organize another competition (no fest)
Shop will also continue to focus efforts on growing the homebrew competition/festival participation in the Mundelein Craft Beer Fest.
Micro Matic has offered to come speak to the club if we can think of a topic for them to share.
Perfect Brewing Updates
Sept 21, Phase Three Brewing Bushel of Apples Fest @ Paulus Park Lake Zurich
Will be pressing apples and selling non-alcoholic cider
Sept 21, Deerfield Harvest Festival
Wine / Grape season is approaching if interested, delivery is first week of October
Grab your bike and meet up with the club at Tonality, Tighthead and Mickey Finns
We then had a show & tell of the Anvil all-in-one electric brewing systems from Jim and Clint as we discussed their experience using the systems. Tips and things to know if you are considering such setups.