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Meeting Minutes
- Transfer of bank account
- Board approves the transfer of the account to the newly elected President and Treasurer
- Yays are unanimous
- Trevor Patric, President, and Zach Gelfand, treasurer will take over the account
- Fest update
- Mundelein Craft beer fest
- We’ve done two fests
- Everybody who was there had a great time
- Having your beer poured is flattering
- Brewers wanted to taste the homebrew
- Future events
- How to cover the cost of donating the beer
- Under the impression that we would receive a stipend from Mundelein
- All were in favor of reimbursing Brewers from club funds
- Barrels of beer
- Couple of barrels great for sours
- Lambic barrel
- Should probably keep this one
- Has not been tasted
- Fundraising for Scott
- Scott’s daughter was in a car crash
- Money goes to the medical bills
- Donations were about 300
- Club will match 200
- Sheldon will work with Scott to get the money applied
- Election Results
- President
- Trevor Patric
- Elected
- Vice President
- Dan
- Matt King
- Elected
- Secretary
- Matt
- Dan Berger
- Elected
- Andy
- Aaron
- Treasurer
- Zach Gelfand
- Elected
- Matt
- David
- Beer of the quarter – Kolsch
- Furnish a recipe in the next couple weeks
- First official beer
- Ready for the August meeting